I've been on a hiatus for way too long. Nothing has really been tickling my fancy too much lately... that and I've been busy, lazy, and life has just been life... but alas, I am back with a vengeance. So peel your eyes and open those big ol ears of yours.
This band is curiously awesome. Heavy punk and hardcore elements, while maintaining a strong rock n roll feel, with elements of black metal. Yes please. I like to call them BLACK N ROLL. I think it fits pretty well. What I really love about this band (besides the fact that they are from Norway ;)) is that they are completely refreshing. More and more these days, acts like this fall behind or fall short, for one reason or another. These guys really grab my attention. This whole album has my upmost attention. It's dirty vocal stylings over dirty rock n roll with clean elements to tie in all loose ends. I just can't stop listening to it. If you've had your fill of new metal and hardcore acts that are just missing something you can't put your finger on, or bore you half to death after 3 songs, then I can basically guarantee you will love this band, and this beautifully put together album. Most notable tracks for me are the opening track "Ulvetid" and "Nekrosop". I am excited for more releases and I would recommend this to anyone who needs a refreshing glass of 'fuck yeah'. Oh yeah. You like that? Good.