Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Eagle Twin - The Unkindness of Crows


I've been meaning to listen to and review this record again. These guys are awesome. I have kind of slowly been falling off the heavy music scene for a minute, with sporadic indulgences here and there. But I assure you that listening to this album has somewhat brought it back to me. Instead of reminiscing in the old ways of heavy, the familiar ones, I am finding new music that is heavy and weighs heavy with emotion as well. This is my perfect kind of sludge. Good psychedelic elements tie it all together sooo well. I say heavy a lot, and usually awesome along with that adjective. They just go well. Now, be a good little boy/girl and download this album and listen straight through. No excuses.


Hell Crust said...

this is one of my favorite albums. good post.

lauren said...

athank you!

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