I've been on a hiatus for way too long. Nothing has really been tickling my fancy too much lately... that and I've been busy, lazy, and life has just been life... but alas, I am back with a vengeance. So peel your eyes and open those big ol ears of yours.
This band is curiously awesome. Heavy punk and hardcore elements, while maintaining a strong rock n roll feel, with elements of black metal. Yes please. I like to call them BLACK N ROLL. I think it fits pretty well. What I really love about this band (besides the fact that they are from Norway ;)) is that they are completely refreshing. More and more these days, acts like this fall behind or fall short, for one reason or another. These guys really grab my attention. This whole album has my upmost attention. It's dirty vocal stylings over dirty rock n roll with clean elements to tie in all loose ends. I just can't stop listening to it. If you've had your fill of new metal and hardcore acts that are just missing something you can't put your finger on, or bore you half to death after 3 songs, then I can basically guarantee you will love this band, and this beautifully put together album. Most notable tracks for me are the opening track "Ulvetid" and "Nekrosop". I am excited for more releases and I would recommend this to anyone who needs a refreshing glass of 'fuck yeah'. Oh yeah. You like that? Good.
It would appear that there is a proliferation of 'blackened' bands. The question I have to ask whenever this is mentioned in regards to any band is: how so? Is it a political alignment, a lyrical one? Are there tremolo picked riffs? Generally, it's hard for me to get into most black metal influenced stuff because, frankly, a lot of black metal sucks goat dicks.
I've heard maybe one or two songs from this album and it didn't hit any nerves. However, I may have to give it another chance.
I had wondered what ever happened to this blog, a fine one indeed, that has shown me some neat stuff I'd never have found or thought of otherwise. KEEP POSTING (and feel free to pilfer anything from my blog, too).
To be honest, I've totally been out of the loop for so long, and my music taste has differed and expanded so much in the last few years, that I just don't care enough to pick and plunder through countless bands anymore. Sorry this is far too late of a response. I haven't been on here in that long! For shame. But with this band, I just got a general undertone of black metal, and mainly it was the vocal stylings outside of the chanty type choruses. And I'm with you on most black metal influenced stuff, or generally most black metal - It sucks. A lot. 90% of the time. There are a few bands, however, that personify what black metal should be to me. One in high mention is Craft. They're just killer at what they do, and it's not boring as a bag of dog turds. A big turn on for me. But thanks for the kind words- I'll come back 'round one of these days and post more. xo
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